The Malta Trust Foundation set up an exciting and unique artistic space in Malta called...
Communications Coordinator
Communications Coordinator REQUIRED: Degree in Communications, Media Studies, Public...
Mental Health Recovery Officer
Position Title: Mental Health Recovery Officer Position Summary: The Mental Health...
Call for Volunteers
The Malta Trust Foundation is looking for volunteers who want to be part of the Programm...
Activity Leader – Programm Tbissima
Call – Contract for Services of an Activity Leader for Programm Tbissima on a part-time...
IDEA Educational Support Programme launched
The Malta Trust Foundation signed an agreement with IDEA Group to set in motion a new...
EXTENDED DEADLINE: Call for Applications – Progetto Mediterraneo
Progetto Mediterraneo a.y. 2024-2025 A collaboration between Luiss University,...
Call for Applications – Progetto Mediterraneo
Two Scholarships for Luiss Master’s Degree Programmes available for the 2024-2025...
Expression of Interest – Counsellor/Psychotherapist/Family Therapist/Counselling Psychologist at the Blossom Project
The provision of Counselling/Psychotherapy services in schools. A Project of The Malta...
ADVICE: The Malta Trust Foundation u FITA b’kollaborazzjoni fl-immaniġġjar ta’ ċentru ta’ dimostrazzjoni għal persuni bi problemi ta’ viżta
L-għaqda non-governattiva ADVICE, li kienet tipprovdi ghajnuna lil persuni bi problemi...